. . . too weird to live . . . too rare to die . . .

петък, 19 ноември 2010 г.

Self-indulgent, drugged out pop stars, or musical geniuses with gifts that could change society? Or both?

Smartasses, all four of 'em...

Press: The French have not made up their minds about the Beatles. What do you think of them?
John: Oh, we like the Beatles. They're gear.

Press: Why are your speaking voices different from your singing voices?
George: We don't have a musical background.

Press: Who in the world would the Beatles like to meet more than anyone else?
Ringo: The real Santa Claus.

Press: What is the biggest threat to your careers, the atom bomb or dandruff?
Ringo: The atom bomb. We've already got dandruff.

Press: What do you call that hairstyle?
George: Arthur.

Press: How do you feel about a nightclub called Arthur, named after your hair style?
George: I was proud--until I saw the nightclub. 

Press: What do you think of the pamphlet calling you four communists?
Paul: Us, communists? Why we can't be communists. We're the world's number one capitalists. Imagine us, communists!

Press: What did you think when your airplane's engine began smoking as you landed today?
Ringo: Beatles, women, and children first!

Press: Were you worried about the oversized roughnecks who tried to infiltrate the airport crowd on your arrival?
Ringo: That was us.

Press: Some people have been calling your work "unamerican". How do you respond to this?
John: Well, that's very observant of them.

Press: Paul, you look like my son.
Paul: You don't look a bit like my mother.

Press: Recently there has been an article published in Rolling Stone magazine stating that Day Tripper was about a prostitute, and Norwegian Wood was about a lesbian. What was you're intent when writing these songs?
Paul: We were just trying to write songs about prostitutes and lesbians.

Press: How do you feel about teenagers imitating you with Beatle wigs?
John: They're not imitating us because we don't wear Beatle wigs.

Press: How come you were turned back by immigration?
John: We had to be deloused.

Press: Girls rushed toward my car because it has press identification, and they thought I met you. How do you explain this phenomenon?
John: You're lovely to look at.

Press (to George): Hi, you're not married.
George: No, I'm George.

Press: Do you get much fan mail?
Ringo: We get 2,000 letters a day.
John: We answer every one of them personally.

Press: Do you have any special advice for teenagers?
John: Don't get pimples.

Press: Does it bother you that you can't hear what you sing during concerts?
John: No, we don't mind. We've got the records at home.

Press: How did you find America?
John: Turn left at Greenland.

Press: Are you afraid military service might break up your careers?
John: No. There's no draft in England now. We're going to let you do our fighting for us.

Press: Beethoven figures in one of your songs. What do you think of Beethoven?
Ringo: I love him. Especially his poems.

Press: Did you really use four letter words on the tourists in the Bahamas?
John: What we actually said was "Gosh".
Paul: We may have also said "Heavens!".
John: Couldn't have said that, Paul. More than four letters.

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